Why Ellen?

Traditional and alternative approaches

Understanding traditional and alternative approaches is important. More important: Teaching the mind while also training the body. Intuition relies on body awareness.

Ellen provides instruction on a variety of self-care tools that she has studied, practiced, and written about.

Ellen has been a contributing author in several research studies and was the sole author of a background article on energy healing that was placed in a peer-reviewed journal.

She has created experiential practices that draw from her training in energy healing, intuition development, meditation, movement awareness, and other mind-body-energy practices.

There is no single best approach to healing, intuition, or being centered.

Deep experience in medical, corporate and non-profit settings

More than 25 years bringing alternatives to traditional settings


Created and delivered the following curricula, which were approved for nursing continuing education credits.

  • Trained nurses in accessing intuition during mid-life transition.
  • Created a patient and self-care program for nurses and other healthcare professionals that covered mind-body health and stress management strategies.
  • Planned, emceed, and presented at optimal nutrition conferences for nurses.
  • Brainstormed with and taught nurse managers about how to de-stress workplace environments.

Taught to a variety of audiences:

  • Delivered intuition tools workshop at a national corporate wellness coordinators conference.
  • Taught workplace stress management workshops to corporate, government, and non-profit staff.
  • Instructed outpatients in mind-body health practices for managing chronic conditions and stress.
  • Trained medical students to use energy healing.
  • Facilitated ongoing energy healing self-care workshops for cancer patients.
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